Jewish United Fund of Metropolitan Chicago
Young Leadership Division Summer Intern June-Aug. 2022
For the Young Leadership Division (YLD), I completed a research project comparing data collected from the Jewish United Fund's (JUF's) 2020 population study—linked here—to previous population studies in order to determine if trends in JUF data followed trends in existing nonprofit research. I also helped plan and execute events, volunteered at partner organizations, and closely shadowed the YLD director Molly Rudnick.
I was selected, among a small group of interns, to receive an award certificate acknowledging excellence in participation and involvement. Post internship, I remain involved with the JUF as a member of YLD's volunteer committee.
Gallery Hózhó
Gallery Assistant Position Jan.- May 2022
Led by Suzanne Fricke, Ph.D., I studied gallery operations and ownership. I worked on art installation, exhibitions, art consultation, sales, and strategic marketing. I also digitized many of the gallery's items onto an online platform and filed a trademark with the USPTO.
University of New Mexico College of Fine Arts
Student Ambassador Aug. 2021- May 2022
My college department nominated me to become an ambassador for the College of Fine Arts. This role involved recruiting prospective students, leading tours of the College, and representing the College at fundraising or promotional events. In 2022, the college selected me to join a planning committee for the relaunch of "Arts Unexpected," a campus wide showcase of student talent. Upon graduation, I received the Outstanding Senior Prize in Interdisciplinary Arts from the College.
Graphic Design by Joseph McKee
University of New Mexico Art Museum
Student Advisory Board Co-Leader Jan. 2021- May 2022
The UNM Art Museum (UNMAM) Student Advisory Board (SAB) is a group of students that works alongside the museum to represent the student body. I was one of four leaders of the SAB, and the only undergraduate leader. In 2021, I consulted with the UNMAM to help develop a virtual gallery space hosting interactive artist's seminars during COVID-19 closures.
Ad Libitum Escuela de Música
Teaching Assistant July 2017
In Summer 2017 I worked as a teaching assistant for an international music school, Ad Libitum. This took place in Ontinyent, ES, and the entirety of the program was in Spanish. I monitored and tutored music students aged 7-16. This role felt familiar to me from my experience as a camp counselor in New Mexico.
My pictures from Colegio La Concepción